W parach odpowiedzcie na pytania, wykorzystując swoją wiedzę lub przypuszczenia. Następnie Przeczytajcie tekst i sprawdźcie swoje odpowiedzi.

1. Have people ever tried to pull icebergs to hot countries?
2. Is it possible to make rain when there are clouds in the sky?
3. Is it possible to produce fresh Water from sea Water? ​

Odpowiedź :

Answering questions related to water problems

1. Have people ever tried to pull icebergs to hot countries?

I don't think people have ever tried pulling the icebergs to hot countries yet. I think it could be a way to resolve the freshwater shortage in some countries, but it's such a huge and difficult undertaking that it might result unprofitable.

2. Is it possible to make rain when there are clouds in the sky?

 With nowadays technology, it's difficult to think there is still anything that we can't do so I would say there must be a way of making rain from the water stored in the clouds.

3. Is it possible to produce freshwater from seawater?

I am sure it's possible to produce drinking water from the seawater. I know that some lifeboats are equipped with instruments that make it possible so that people stranded at the sea have freshwater.