Przetłumacz zdania na jęz. angielski, utwórz z nich przeczenia oraz pytania.
1. Wczoraj ona oglądała telewizję.
2. Oni ugotowali obiad dwa dni temu.
3. W zeszły czwartek wyprowadziłam psa na spacer.
4. John uczył się do testu w zeszłą sobotę.
5. Dwa tygodnie temu podróżowaliśmy samolotem.
6. Ona była w kinie w zeszłą niedzielę.
7. Moi rodzice byli w Anglii trzy lata temu.

Odpowiedź :


1. She was watching TV yesterday. / She wasn't watching TV yesterday. / Was she watching TV yesterday?

2. They cooked dinner two days ago. / They didn't cook dinner two days ago. / Did they cook dinner two days ago?

3. I took my dog for a walk last Thursay. / I didn't take my dog for a walk last Thursday. / Did you take your dog for a walk last Thursday?

4. John was studying for the test last Saturday. / John wasn't studying for the test last Saturday. / Was  John studying for the test  last Saturday?

5. We traveled by plane two weeks ago. / We didn't travel by plane two weeks ago. / Did you travel by plane two weeks ago?

7. My parents were in England three years ago. / My parents weren't in England three years ago. /  Were your parents in England three years ago?