Zadanie polega na napisaniu zdań w drugim okresie warunkowym w odpowiedzi na podane pytania. Oto zdania:
1. Where would Evie and Molly go if they wanted to see
If Evie and Molly wanted to see wildlife, they would visit a national park.
2. What would Lucy do if she saw a wolf in the forest?
If Lucy saw a wolf in the forest, she would climb a tree.
3. What would Tim do if he won a lot of money?
If Tim won a lot of money, he wouldn't spend it all.
4. What would you do if you found a wallet in the street?
If I found a wallet in the street, I would take it to the police station.
5. What would your cat do if a dog came into the house?
If a dog came into the house, my cat would jump on the table.
Drugi okres warunkowy to struktura używana do mówieniu o przyszłości. Używamy go, gdy mówimy o jakichs nieprawdopodoncych lub mało prawdopodobnych sytuacjach. Kostrukcja jest wg schematu:
If + Past Simple, would + bezokolicznik