hej mam zadanie z angielskiego ale nie umiem go zrobic pomoze ktos ? zdjecia mi sie nie laduja wiec6.2 Past Simple affirmative – regular verbs A
1 Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami w ramki w czasie Past Simple. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.
arrive cook play stay stop decide watch
Yesterday I 0 arrived home from work at six o’clock. Then I 1 ______________ with my dog, Rex, in the garden. It was cold so after half an hour, we 2 ______________ our game and I 3 ______________ TV. Rex 4 ______________ with me. He loves watching TV! At seven o’clock I was hungry so I 5 ______________ to make some pancakes. They were delicious!
______ / 5
6.3 Past Simple affirmative – irregular verbs A
2 Uzupełnij zdania, używając podkreślonych czasowników w czasie Past Simple.
0 I am happy but yesterday I was very sad.
1 Larry sometimes goes to school by bus but last week he ______________ by train.
2 Brenda usually meets her friends at school but yesterday she ______________ them in the park.
3 Mum often makes pizza for lunch but yesterday she ______________ chicken and vegetables.
4 Uncle Alfie often comes to our house for dinner but last Saturday he ______________ for lunch.
5 I usually have a shower before breakfast but yesterday I ______________ a shower after breakfast.
______ / 5
3 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami w ramki w czasie Past Simple. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.
be drink eat feel have meet take
0 The weather was cold and rainy last weekend.
1 Sheila ______________ a glass of orange juice yesterday.
2 The children ______________ all the apples yesterday!
3 Angela and Martin ______________ a lot of photos yesterday. Photography is their hobby.
4 We ______________ our friends in the park last Monday.
5 Mum worked all day and she ______________ tired.
______ / 5
Total score: ______ / 15

Odpowiedź :

1 walkedWyjaśnienie:


zadanie 1

1 - played

2 - stopped

3 - watched

4 - stayed

5 - decided

zadanie 2

1 - went

2 - met

3 - made

4 - came

5 - had

zadanie 3

1 - drank

2 - ate

3 - took

4 - met

5 - felt

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