
3 Przeczytaj teksty (A-E). Uzupełnij tabelę, wpisując w każdą kratkę (1-4) odpowiednią literę.
Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. Uwaga! Jeden tekst pozostanie niewykorzystany.
Jeśli wydaje ci się, że do pytania pasują dwie odpowiedzi, to jeszcze raz uważnie
przeczytaj oba teksty. Być może oba zawierają podobne słówka, ale tylko jeden tekst
zawiera odpowiedź na pytanie.
Mama pyta:
Holly odpowiada:
z którego tekstu Holly
się o tym dowiedziała
Do you know who is coming to our house this afternoon?
Yes, I do.
Do you know where your brother is?
Yes, I do.
Do you know when you can go to your friend's house?
Yes, I do.
Do you know if you can take Coke to school tomorrow?
Yes, I do.
C с
Greetings from France!
I'm here on holiday with my
brother. We're coming back
home on Friday. It's warm and
sunny here. I've got some great
photos. Come to my house on
Saturday afternoon and we can
look at them. Can you tell all
our friends to come too? Thanks.
See you soon,
I'm at the beach with
your uncle. It's hot and
sunny! We're sitting in
the shade and drinking
Coke. Tell your mother
that we're coming to your
house at 3 o'clock.
See you then!
Dear Students,
The weather is very hot
and sunny at the moment.
Please make sure you have
always got a bottle of water
with you. Please don't drink
any fizzy drinks! You can
only drink water at school.
Thank you.
Your Headmaster
The weather at the beach today is hot and
sunny. It's a great day to go to the beach with
your friends or your brothers and sisters.
Hi Holly
Your brother can't find his mobile phone and that's why I'm emailing
you for him. Can you phone your mum and tell her that he's at the
scout meeting now? He's coming home at about 9 o'clock. Thanks!

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