Pomóżcie mi proszę bardzo
Potzebno opisać obrazki A i B na angielskim języku
Byłem bardzo by wdzięczny;)

Pomóżcie Mi Proszę Bardzo Potzebno Opisać Obrazki A I B Na Angielskim Języku Byłem Bardzo By Wdzięczny class=

Odpowiedź :

In the photo, "A" in the foreground is a very large waterfall, the water is crystal clear. Higher up, you can see a wooden bridge with two women on it, probably a mother and daughter, wearing short shorts and T-shirts, the woman is wearing a baseball cap, in the distance you can see Forest , it is nice weather and the sun is shining. The whole thing looks very nice.

In the picture , "B" in the foreground you can see a grown man who is probably in the mountains. He is wearing jeans, a jacket and has a rucksack on his shoulder. The man is looking into the distance, behind him you can see storm clouds, dark and dark blue as if it is about to rain. On the side of the picture when you see it you can see mountains. The man is standing on stones that are covered with grass.