Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i zdecyduj, które zdanie jest prawdziwe T, a
które fałszywe F.*

Many people think that working in TV is exciting, but it's often difficult. For
everything to go well, the film crew, presenters and actors must be very
good at their jobs.
People think that everything in TV happens very quickly, but the actors
often wait around for hours. This can be very boring. Sometimes, it takes
a day to make a scene that is only five minutes long. It is also difficult to
film outside. For example, the weather can be bad and planes sometimes
fly nearby during filming. This is particularly a problem for historical
dramas. Next time you watch a film or TV, think about the problems the
crew had.
Working in TV is always
The film crew need to be very
good at their jobs.
Actors never get bored.
It can take a long time to film
short scenes.

Filming outside is easy.​