Napisz 5 pozytywny i negatywnych skutków pracy w sobote (po angielsku)​

Odpowiedź :



  1. When you work on Saturday you get tired and frustrated easily.
  2. When you work on Saturday you don't have time to rest after a week of work.
  3. When you work on Saturday you don't have time for your family and friends.
  4. When you work on Saturday you don't have time to do something stupid or do some sport.
  5. When you work on Saturday you can't relax after tiering week of work.


  1. If you work on Saturday you don't have to worry about certain things tomorrow.
  2. When you work on Saturday you get things done and it's less work during the week.
  3. When you work on Saturday you can clean your house nicely.
  4. When you work on Saturday you can spend the rest of the week in a cleaned house.
  5. When you work on Saturday you can take one day off at work if you wish.

Miłego dnia - Shi :J