
1. What could and couldn’t you do…? Napisz 4 zdania o swoich umiejętnościach w przeszłości.

- when you were four, - when you were six, - when you were ten , - when you were 12.

2.Napisz 6 zdań o zasadach, których musisz i nie musisz przestrzegać w szkole. Użyj zwrotów:

- obey rules, - pass exams, - go to lessons on time, - use mobile phones, -talk to each other during the lessons, - cheat in the exams.

3. Napisz 4 rady z should i shouldn’t na temat stosowania się do zasad prozdrowotnych.

4. Napisz 6 zdań o swoich obowiązkach i obowiązkach osób z twojej rodziny: I, my mum, my cousin, my parents, my sister/brother. Użyj „have to”, „ not have to”.

Odpowiedź :


Zad 1

When I was four I could sing a birthday song but I couldn't write.

When I was six I could jump rope but I couldn't swim.

When I was 10 I could do basic math but I couldn't skate.

When I was 12 I could dance but I couldn't play video games well.

Zad 2

1. In our school we have to strictly obey rules

2. We have to pass all the exams, even if we haven't been to school

3. We hate to go to lessons on time

4. We can't use mobile phones in class, but we can on breaks

5. We can't talk to each other during the lessons

6. We can't cheat in the exams

Zad 3

You should do sports

You should eat healthy

You should care about your personal hygiene

You should go to bed at a normal hour

You shouldn't stress yourself

You shouldn't eat fast food

You shouldn't use the phone and computer frequently

You shouldn't avoid physical activity

Zad 4

1. I have to wash the dishes

2. My dad have to cook us food

3. My mom have to do the laundry

4. My cousin have to vacuum the floor

5. My parents have to wash the car

6. My sister have to make the bed