Długość wypowiedzi PUWIU WYTI
do 120 słów (nie licząc wyrazów podanych na
Hi Sam, I can't believe that we are going to meet
next week. I have lots of plans for your visit
początku wypowiedzi).
Twój angielski kolega przyjeżdża do ciebie
wodwiedziny. W e-mailu do kolegi z Anglii:
poinformuj, jakie atrakcje zaplanowałeś/
zaplanowałaś na czas jego wizyty
• Opisz miejsca, które razem odwiedzicie
• napisz, co kolega powinien zabrać ze sobą., trzeba napisać meil, ​

Odpowiedź :


Hi Sam, I can't believe that we are going to meet

next week. I have lots of plans for your visit

1. We can go to visit the Warsaw Old town, and palace of culture

It's in te center of warsaw to it's easy to get there. There is a giant castle on the old town, and lots of national polish restaurants. And if we go to the palace of culture we can go to the top flor and see the whole Warsaw city!!

Next we can drive to Kraków, and see more beautiful castles. There is also a dragon that lets out fire!!!

Okay, for that trip you should take:

☼ A rucksack

☼ Your phone and a charger

☼ Water

☼ If you want you can take a camera!

☼ And don't forget some english snacks for me!!!


(twoje imie)