
Plisss na dziś!!! Ratunku!!!
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A Tina
I'm definitely a saver, not a spender. When I get my pocket money, I usually put it away and I wait for the sales. Of course, if I need something right oway, I buy it the regular price, but first I browse the online shops and I compare prices. Of course, I only buy it when I find out which shop has the lowest price.
B Tim
Well, I don't think I'm great at saving money. Almost every time I get some cash, I spend it quite quickly on some fod or entertainment with my frierids. But I really hope that I can use my piggy bank and not spend everything right away. I need to do it now because I'm going to buy a new mobile and my parents told me I must do it myself.
C Christina
I'm not a fan of using cash, because I don't like carrying a wallet with me everywhere. That is why my parents opened a bank account for me and now I use a card when I want to pay for something. It's also very useful, because I earn money babysitting and my clients can send me the money.
This person not good at saving money.
2 likes buying things when they are cheaper. 3 has to change his/her behaviour.
4 works to get some money.