Spędziłeś/Spędziłaś weekend w górach. Opowiedz swojemu anglojęzycznemu znajomemu o tym:
• jakie miejsca zwiedziłeś/zwiedziłaś,
• jakich ludzi spotkałeś/spotkałaś,
• jaka była pogoda.

Odpowiedź :



Hi Tom I spent the weekend in the mountains! The weather was beautiful, the sun was shining all the time. On the first day we went sightseeing, I was in a restaurant called "Pod Jeleniem". But the best thing was that we went to the mountains, it was beautiful, we reached the top. There was a beautiful sunset. I met different people who spoke different languages, e.g. German, English, in Spanish, there were even some dressed up in costumes. It was a great trip, I hope it will repeat itself again. See you later, Krzysiek.


raczej powinno być dobrze, ale nie mam pewności.