5 Napisz odpowiedzi do pytań z ćwiczenia 4.

Plss pomóż

5 Napisz Odpowiedzi Do Pytań Z Ćwiczenia 4 Plss Pomóż class=

Odpowiedź :


1. Yes, I was

2. In the home

3. Yes, I was

4. last month



1. No, they weren't. / Yes, they were.

  • W zdaniu 1 masz błąd. Powinno być: Were you in the forest on Sunday?

2. They were in the restaurant.

  • W zdaniu 2 masz błąd. Powinno być: Where WERE your friends yesterday evening?

3. Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't.

  • W zdaniu 3 masz błąd. Powinno być: Was YOUR English lesson at 9.00.?

4. They were at 4 p.m. at the lake.
