Napisz w kilku zdaniach (3-4) jakiej umiejętności związanej z gotowaniem chciałbyś/chciałabyś się nauczyć i dlaczego. What would you like to learn and why?
szybkoo pliiis!!​

Odpowiedź :

i would like to learn how to make  Omelette. becouse:

  1. cooking is fun way to relieve stress after a hard day of school or work.
  2. Learning to cook will help you understand world cultures, customs and flavors. You will also learn life skills like eating healthy, budgeting your money, and cleaning.
  3. Cooking is less expensive than eating at restaurants, fast food joints and school cafeterias. Spending money on pre-packaged meals gets too expensive for a young person and families on a budget.
  4. and Preparing fresh foods will put much-needed nutrition into your diet and increase your energy and quality of health in the short and long run.

nie jestem pewien czy mam dobrze więc sprawdź i oceń i ewentualnie pozmieniaj tekst :D