nie jestem pewna czy na 100% bo sama to robiłam ale powinno być git
Zadanie 1-
1. losing
2. throw
3. drew
4. catch
5. join
6. cheered
7. hits
8. join
9. beat
10. hit
Zadanie 2-
1. ski slope
2. gymnast
3. tennis racket
4. squash
5. playing field
6. golf club
7. helmet
8. diver
9. gymnast
10. court
11. trekking
12. pitch
Zadanie 3-
1. the easiest
2. most boring
3. worse
4. bigger
5. earlier
6. more quiet
7. badly
8. the hottest
9. better
10. carefully
11. most exciting
12. more fluent
Zadanie 4-
1. what great news
2. too expensive for
3. too late
4. as good as
5. tall enough
6. such good food
7. warm enough
8. how interesting
9. so well
10. as fast as