Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami, których definicje zostały podane w nawiasach. Pierwsze litery
brakujących wyrazów zostały podane.
We saw a whale (= a very large animal that lives in the sea) swimming in the ocean.
1. A human b
(= the body organ that we use to think) uses about 20% of
the energy that our bodies produce. 2. Sherwood F
(= a place where trees
grow) is a popular tourist attraction in England. 3. Remember to put the r
(= things that you don't need and should throw away) in front of the house. 4. In a zoo,
animals do not live in their natural s
(=places that are around you). 5. It's
important that we f
(=give something to eat) the birds which stay here in
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