homework ex 3,4,5 p53 WB klasa 4 proszę pomocy plssss

1. A: What time is Pet Time?
B: It's at six o'clock.
2. A: What time is That's Magic?
B: It's at quarter past seven.
3. A: What time is Happy Days?
B: It's at five past seven.
4. A: What time is Super Girl?
B: It's at twenty-five to seven.
5. A: What time is the Great Big Talent Show?
B: It's at ten to eight.
6. A: OK. What time is it now?
B: It's five to six. Hurry up!
Poprawna kolejność:
a. 1
b. 4
c. 6
d. 2
e. 3
f. 5
Ex. 5
1. I get up at five past seven.
2. I have breakfast at twenty past seven.
3. I go to school at five to twelve.
4. I do my homework at four o'clock.
5. I go to bed at eight o'clock.
Jakbyś nie wiedziała to w Angielskim jest tylko 12 godzin przez co jest podział na am i pm. Od 0-12 rano masz am a od 12:01 do 23:59 masz pm