5. Właśnie wróciłaś/wróciłeś z wakacji. Napisz e-mail do swojego
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Poinformuj go,
• dokąd pojechałaś/pojechałeś na wakacje,
jak długo tam byłaś/byłeś,
• gdzie mieszkałaś/mieszkałeś,
• co tam robiłaś/robiłeś.
Po niemiecku. Nie angielsku przepraszam

Odpowiedź :


Hello David!

I was on a Beach with my family and we spent about 3 days having lot's of fun there was lot's of game sallons with alot of fun games in one of them you had to shoot a duck when the next day we couldn't go on the Beach because it was raining the whole day so we decided to stay at hotel that we lived in. The third day we had to Come back to home because my parents had to go to job.

I Hope we will See each other soon!
