Proszę o pomoc
Wyobraź sobie że jestes ze znajomym na pikniku miejskim. Napisz w zeszycie co się właśnie wydarzyło. Uzyj zwrotów z ramki.
zwroty z ramki:
buy a bracelet
a wristband
find wallet
take a photo
candy floss
drink fruit juice
talk to policmen
a stall owner
look at clothes
food stalls
Przykład zdania
My friend has just bought a bracelet

Odpowiedź :

I was with my friend at the picnic. It was beautiful day. When we was eating our chips we saw wallet on the grass. we talkd to police man about it and gaved him the wallet. I decide to buy a brancelet for my friend. When I buyd it my firend gaved me brancelet too. I will never forget that day.

mam nadzieję że pomogłam ^-^