Pomocy???? Na teraz trzeba napisać dwa Dialogi proszę. Dam naj

A.Hey. Sorry, but I dropped your laptop and it isn't working. I really didn't mean to.
B.Couldn't you have been more careful! I have homework to do and you broke my laptop. You were careless and you broke my thing. Your explanation is weak.
Na drugi nie mam pomysłu.
student A :
hey student B when i was workin on your compet i droped it... and now its not working... im so sorry cn u forgive me ?
stdent B :
i really need it right now ! I don't have my homework and i have to do this homework on my laptop ! I wont forgive you !
Student A :
hi i forgot it was your birthday yesterday... and i didnt tell u happy birthday . im really sorry
student B:
oh its ok , i really dont care about my birth day so you dont need to apologize
mam nadzieje że dobrze zrobiłam