
Pomocy pls mam to na dziś
W zeszłym tygodniu miałeś/miałaś wypadek. Napisz e-mail do koleżanki ze Szkocji, w którym opowiesz jej o tym. Użyj maksymalnie 120 słów. W emailu napisz:
- co się wydarzyło,
- jakie odniosłeś/odniosłaś obrażenia,
- jak się teraz czujesz i co robisz, aby wyzdrowieć
Hi Mary,
I had a really bad accident last weekend. I was

Take care!

Odpowiedź :


Hi Mary,

I had a really bad accident last week. I was riding my bike and I didn't notice a big stone. I fell off my bike and started crying. My mother got very scared and called an ambulance. In the hospital it turned out that I had a broken arm, a twisted ankle and a lot of bruises and abrasions. I also knocked out one tooth, but fortunately it was a milk tooth so it will grow again soon. Now I feel much better, but in the future I will be wearing protective gear and I'll be more careful that an accident like this doesn't happen again. Now I have to stay in home and I can't even go out to meet my friends because my mom won't let me to. I hope you're doing well.

Take care!