2 Dopasuj zdania 1-8 do sytuacji, które mają
miejsce zarówno w teraźniejszości, jak i będą
mieć miejsce w przyszłości. Wpisz litery A-H
w odpowiednie miejsce przy zdaniach.
1 Can you hear the musicians?
2 l have to pack my suitcase.
3 Everyone says it is a lot of fun.
4 Do you want to go with me to see them?
5 Can you come?
6 That's why I am not at home.
7. I am really worried about them.
8 I have to stay at home this weekend.
A We are having a party. (present)
B We are having a party. (future)
C My favourite band is playing. (present)
D My favourite band is playing. (future)
E I am studying for my exams. (present)
F lam studying for my exams. (future)
G I am visiting my cousins. (present)
H I am visiting my cousins. (future)​