Zadanie 3 , 4 , 5 HELP daje naj i 40 punktów ! ​

Zadanie 3 4 5 HELP Daje Naj I 40 Punktów class=

Odpowiedź :

Zad 3
3.make dinner
4.sweet homework
8. 4pm

Zad 4
C: sorry, i can’t come to our meeting today
E: i have to take my dog to the vet
D:Can you return my books to the library?
H:The books are in my locker at school. U:know the code.
B:Why don't we meet later?
F:See u,

Zad 5

Hi Jack

Today i feel Very bad and tired. I am ill.I won’t come for first project meeting but I promise you that I will come at the next meeting. I will help you! Please try to understand me and forgive to me. I wish everyone good luck!

Please send me your phone number. I would contact with you.

Thank you

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