Proszę jak najszybciej
W zadaniach 27-29 przeczytaj pary zdań. Uzupełnij każdą lukę tak aby zachować znacznie zdania wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 4 wyrazy.
1.John, is there a computer on your room?
John,_____got a computer on your room?
2.Sylvia Has got a email dog.
_________is email.
3.Jasmine is in front od the TV-there's a good film on.
Jasmine_______a good film on TV.
4.I almost never listen to the radio
I__________ever listen to the radio.
5.Mum forgot to give je money for lunch.
Mum__________to give me money for lunch.
Her birthday is on January 2.
She_______on January 2.
2.Are nie wyda blues or Brown?
__________blue or Brown eyes?
3.Jim doesn't like comedies. He never watches them.
Jim never watches comedies_______he doesn't like them.
4.I'm sure that bat isn't mine.
I'm sure that isn't______.
5.Why don't we play a computer gamę?
How_____a computer game?