Odpowiedź :
1. What is your hobby?
2. What do you like to do?
3. What do you like to do in your free time?
Stacja metra:
1. Excuse me, how can I get to the metro station?
2. Hi! Do you know, where the metro station is?
Nakrzyczenie na przyjaciela (przeprosiny):
1. Hey, I'm sorry for that.
2. I didn't mean that.
3. I don't want to lose you.
Śmierć babci kolegi:
1. I'm really sorry. My condolences.
Miejsce w kinie:
1. Hey, can I sit here?
2. Is it free?
1. Hey, you mustn't smoke here.
2. If you want to smoke, go to the other place.
Bilet do Warszawy:
1. Hello! I would like to buy a return ticket to Warsaw.
Koleżanka i picie:
1. Do you want to drink something?
Danie w restauracji:
1. I would like to eat a salade with pasta.
2. Can I order chicken soup?
1. Are you okay?
2. Is everything okay?
Moje samopoczucie:
1. I feel great/bad.
2. I'm really happy/sad/confused/scared/etc.
1. Could you help me?
2. I need your help.
Zaoferowanie pomocy:
1. I can help you, if you want.
2. I will help you! Don't worry!
1. How about going to the cinema?
Sure thing!
2. Do you want to go to the cinema?
Sure! I think, I have some free time!
3. Would you like to go to the cinema?
Sorry, I've got other plans.
Plany na przyszłość:
1. I want to be a fireman/policeman/chef/etc. in future.
2. I think, I will live in Paris/New york/Los Angeles/London/etc. in future.
Mam nadzieję, że ktoś doceni, bo długo nad tym siedziałam :)