
poproszę o uzupełnienie​

Poproszę O Uzupełnienie class=

Odpowiedź :

Zestaw 1:

1. It's one of the worst trips I've ever been on

2. Tim said that he watched a film then

3. My wife often tells me I drive too slow.

4. The man that lives next door is an architect.

5. The bank just got robbed.

6. One should have ate a lot of vegetables (?)

7. The wedding ceremony took place last August.

8.  Is Jane fonded by sweets?

9. George has three younger brothers

10. What time did your dad arrive home last (time)?

Zestaw 2:

1. What animals are endangered to extinction?

2. Could you walk when you were 10 months old?

3. Alice advised that we should not cross the river by boat.

4. Kate is the preetiest girl in the whole school.

5. Do you know when his birthday has has a place?

6. James was running in the park when he twisted his ankle.

7. Someone knocked on the door. Can you open it, please?

8. Mike is such a handsome man.

9. May I have a piece of cake? (czyli bez zmian)

10. I earn much more money than a year ago.