
Praca samodzielna: Napisz 5-6 zdań na temat tego, co robisz w sobotę lub niedzielę (wzór w zadaniu 5/88). Użyj słów before, after. Pls na jutro

Odpowiedź :

On Saturday morning I always have to walk my dog, but before that I have to eat breakfast. After that I call my friends and see if we can hang out. If they can we usually go to the park. If they can't, I play video games on my computer. When it's afternoon I finally can eat my dinner, my mum always cooks something delicious! At the evening my family and I decided to watch an action movie, I love action movies because you can feel all the emotions in the film!

On Saturday I go with my dog, but before I need to put something on. After that I eat my breakfast. Then I clean my room. At 12:00 o’clock I study for school. After I make a lunch. Then I watch tv serials or film’s on Netflix.