Daje Naj:)
Dopasuj wyrażenia z kolumny A, B, C tak aby powstały poprawne zdania (zwracamy uwagę na duże i małe litery, przecinki i kropki)
1. I was extremely disappointed
2. I was shocked to find out
3. I told the nurse I spoke Polish and English.
4. I expect to receive a full refund
5. However, I was sent
6. with the fact that, despite my serious condition,
7. not just on my insurance policy
8. that I was asked to pay for the most basic medicines,
9. although they were supposed to be covered by my insurance policy.
10. but also on the medicines I was obliged to buy.
11. the doctor refused to come and visit me at the hotel.
12. to somebody who couldn’t speak either.


Odpowiedź :


1. I was extremely dissapointed → with the fact that, despite my serious condition, → the doctor refused to come and visit me at the hotel.

2.  I was shocked to find out → that I was asked to pay for the most basic medicines, → although they were supposed to be covered by my insurance policy.

3. I told the nurse I spoke Polish and English. → However, I was sent →  to somebody who couldn’t speak either.

4.  I expect to receive a full refund → not just on my insurance policy → but also on the medicines I was obliged to buy.




Witaj :)

1. I was extremely disappointed that I was asked to pay for the most basic medicines, although they were supposed to be covered by my insurance policy.

2. I was shocked to find out with the fact that, despite my serious condition, the doctor refused to come and visit me at the hotel.

3. I told the nurse I spoke Polish and English. However, I was sent to somebody who couldn’t speak either.

4. I expect to receive a full refund not just on my insurance policy but also on the medicines I was obliged to buy.

✨ Tłumaczenie:

1. Byłem bardzo rozczarowany, że kazano mi zapłacić za najbardziej podstawowe leki, choć miały być one pokryte z mojej polisy ubezpieczeniowej.

2. Byłem zszokowany faktem, że pomimo mojego poważnego stanu, lekarz odmówił przyjazdu i odwiedzenia mnie w hotelu.

3. Powiedziałam pielęgniarce, że mówię po polsku i po angielsku. Zostałem jednak skierowany do kogoś, kto nie znał ani jednego, ani drugiego języka.

4. Oczekuję pełnego zwrotu pieniędzy nie tylko z mojej polisy ubezpieczeniowej, ale także za leki, które musiałam kupić.