
8. Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.

please • sorry • That’s • Thank • take • can

• Here • any • course • isn’t

A: Hello, 1 __________ I have a tomato salad, 2 __________?

B: I’m 3 __________, there 4 __________ 5 __________ tomato salad.

A: Oh, OK. Can I have a carrot and red pepper salad, please?

B: Yes, of 6 __________. Eat in or 7 __________ out?

A: Eat in, please.

B: 8 __________ you are. 9 __________ £4.50, please.

A: 10 __________ you.

pliss na teraz

Odpowiedź :


1) can

2) please

3) sorry

4) isn't

5) any

6) course

7) take

8) here

9) that's

10) thank


1. Can

2. please

3. sorry

4. isn't

5. any

6. course

7. take

8. Here

9. That's

10. Thank

liczę na naj!!