proszę Daje naj na teraz

Should I study late?
No, you shouldn't.
Should I go to bed early?
Yes, you should.
Should I have breakfast?
Yes, you should.
Should I drink lots of fizzy drinks?
No, you shouldn't.
Dalsy: Should i study late?
Esme No, you shouldn't.
Dalsy Should i go to bed early?
Esme Yes, you should.
Dalsy Should i eat breakfast today?
Esme Yes, you should eat breakfast everyday.
Dalsy I'm bored of drinking water - it's too boring.
Should i drink lots of fizzy drinks?
Esme No, You shouldn't because it's very unhealthy.
Liczę na naj. ^ ^
(to jest taka bardziej rozbudowana wersja ale gwarantuję że za nią dostaniesz szóstkę)