Przetłumacz na angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach

Przetłumacz Na Angielski Fragmenty Podane W Nawiasach class=

Odpowiedź :


1 who gave me

2 was made

3 a little more water?

4 if u press button play

5 over the bridge

6 Can you help me

7 has

8 nor unemployment

9 he managed

10 whos song

11 has to leave

12 always went

13 the most expensive

14 just decided

15 regrets

16 lets go to

17 if she is patient enough to be a teacher

18 you would save

19 he will have

20 got contaminated

21 Don't worry

22 eightennth

23 is nothing exciting

24 it was raining heavily

25 are not any curtains

26 older

27 can't be late

28 much orange juice

29 to go to school

30 she will come

31 isn't it

32 any spoons

33 were in

34 have you got a pet

35 a jar of jam

36 little red plastic toy

37 is aged

38 gets darker

39 In the evening


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