Przeczytaj teksty na temat zwyczajów
związanych z używaniem plastiku w trzech
krajach (A-C) oraz zdania 1-4. Do każdego
zdania dopasuj właściwy tekst. Wpisz
rozwiązania do tabeli. Jeden tekst pasuje
do dwóch zdań.
The citizens of Zanzibar
are very serious about
matters related to
ecology and recycling. It's
one of the first countries
that introduced a complete plastic bag ban. You
can't buy them, sell them or produce them. If you
are going there, you should take your own bags.
Japan is one of
the world's biggest
producers of plastic
Nearly every product is
packed in plastic, even
fruit can be packed in plastic wrapping. There are
no restrictions on the use of plastic. Even a single
product can be wrapped in many pieces of plastic.
This country plans
to ban single-use
plastic products in
2021. It produces
3 million tons of plastic
a year, of which only 10% is recycled. That is why
the country wants to introduce the ban.
This country
1 wants to change its habits.
2 needs visitors to make special preparations.
3 contributes greatly to global pollution.
4 has already introduced changes.