Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto pięć zdań.
Uzupełnij luki w tekście (1–5) zdaniami podanymi poniżej
(A–F), tak aby był on spójny i logiczny. Jedno zdanie zostało
podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
A He called this type of art Pop Art.
B Some of them are very expensive today.
C He also drew famous people like Marilyn Monroe.
D In New York he drew pictures for magazines such as
E His real name was Andrew Warhola.
F When he was a child, Warhol was very good at drawing
and painting.
18.Andy Warhol was a very famous American artist who was
born in 1928 in Pittsburgh. 1 ____ His father was a
builder who died when Warhol was only thirteen years old.
2 ____ He studied art at college and then moved to New
York. 3 ____ He also had pictures in art galleries. In the
1960s Warhol painted things like soup cans, cola bottles,
road signs and hamburgers. 4 ____ Many more British
and American artists made Pop Art and Warhol became very
famous. 5 ____ Everybody knows these pictures today.