Wstaw ODPOWIEDNIĄ formę w czasie Present Continuous.

1.Kim and John ………………………………… (play) football.

My dad ……………………………… (watch) TV.

My friend ……………………………… (read) a book.

My friends …………............................... (chat) at the moment.

I ……………………………… (have) a picnic now.

2. Zamień podane zdania twierdzące na przeczenia.

I’m cooking now. .............................................................................................

He’s swimming. ................................................................................

We’re dancing now. ………………………………………………………..

Odpowiedź :


1. are playing football

2. is watching reading

4.are cahtting

5.'m having

zadanie 2

I'm not cooking now

he isn't swimming

we aren't dancing now


liczę na naj

Kim and John are playing football
My dad is watching tv
My friend is reading a book
My friends are chatting at the moment
I am having a picnic now

I’m not cooking now
He isn’t swimming
We aren’t dancing now