1.Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi formami have to, need to, must lub should.
Students __________ eat or drink in class. It’s not allowed.
My teacher said I __________ become a nurse. She thinks I would be good at it.
He doesn’t __________ do an apprenticeship. He is already qualified.
You __________ to do a teaching course before working in a school. It’s necessary.
We __________ work harder at school. It’s really important.
In our school, we MUSTN'T wear a uniform if we don’t want to.
If you don’t understand, you HAVE TO ask the teacher for help.

2. Popraw błędy
You don’t NEED TO cheat during an exam.
Students MUST to wait for the school buses outside of school.
You MUST go to bed early so you don’t feel tired in the morning.

Odpowiedź :





need to

have to



You mustn't cheat during an exam

Student should to wait...

You need to go to bed early...


Mam nadzieję że dobrze :))

1 mustn’t
2 should
3 need to
4 have to
5 should
Zad 2
You mustn’t cheat during an exam
Students have to wait
You need to go to bed early

Mam nadzieje ze pomoglam:)