Przetłumacz na język angielski nie z tłumacza bo będę usuwał odp i zgłaszał.

Klasa 8 B organizuje spotkanie dla wszyskich którzy chcą porozmawiać o swoich problemach, kłopotach i smutkach.
Wszystkich zainteresowanych prosimy o napisanie na kartkach kwesti które ich dręczą i chcą o tym pogadać i omówić.
spotkanie odbędzie się 21.05.2021 na 3 godzinie lekcyjnej w sali nr 10. Bardzo zachencamy was do przybycia gdyż to spotkanie ma na celu pomuc wam w rozwiązaniu waszych problemów i bardzo chętnie was wysłuchamy.
Zapraszamy serdeczjnie klasa 8 b

Odpowiedź :


Class 8 B is organizing a meeting for everyone who wants to talk about their problems, troubles and sorrows.

All those who are interested are asked to write on cards the issues that bother them and want to talk about them.

the meeting will take place on 21.05.2021 on the 3rd lesson in room 10. We strongly encourage you to come because this meeting is intended to help you solve your problems and we are very willing to listen to you.

We cordially invite you class 8 b


Class 8 B is organising a meeting for everyone who would like to talk about their problems and sorrows.

We ask everyone interested to write a card about what is bugging them and what they would like to talk over.

The meeting will be happening on 21.05.2021 on the third lesson in the classroom number 10.

We strongly encourage everyone to come, because this meeting targets helping each and one of you.

We'll try to help you with your problems and sorrows and we'll listen to you carefully.

Hope to see you there,

Class 8 B.

