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Right, I’ve finished the shopping 0 list so we’re ready.
We need a lot so we’ll have to get a 1 t_ _ _ _ _ _to put it all in – make sure you’ve got a pound to put in it. We’ll
never get all this into a 2 b_ _ _ _ _. When we get there, you get the tinned food, bread and drinks. They are all in
3 a_ _ _ _ _three, four and five. I’ll get the rest. Before we’ve got everything, go to a quiet till. Put the food on the
4 c_ _ _ _ _ _ _belt and I’ll get the last few items. That way we won’t have to queue up for so long. Oh, and make sure the bar 5 c_ _ _ _aren’t damaged. I hate it when the cashier can’t read the price.​