Sprawdzi mi ktos email po angielsku?

Byłaś na imprezie sportowej.
-wyjaśnij dlaczego wybrałaś się tam
-zrelacjonuj przebieg imprezy
-przedstaw swoje plany na przyszłość zwiazane z sportem

Hi! How are you feeling? I hope you are fine.

You won't believe. I went to a sport party. The reason why i went there is because I'm interested in sport and healthy lifestyle.

I spended nice time there.
The party started with running competition. I had so much fun.
Then we were eating and talking about our diets and also how important is doing sports to be healthy. Finally the party has ended and everyone went to home

In the future. I'd like to be proffesional runner. I'm going to train more to be better runner.

Take care,

Odpowiedź :


w 2 I SPENT nie SPENDED w tym samym obok How important is dodaj tam it

żeby wyszło How important it is to be doing sports and being healthy

Wszystko inne dobrze
