My favourite shop in town is Cloe's. It's really cool ¹clothes shop. I usually spend all my ²pocket money there! I always put clothes I like in a ³basket and take them to the ⁴changing rooms to try on. Mum doesn't like Cloe's ⁵prices. She thinks it's an ⁶expensive shop. She's right but they have great ⁷sales! Then, the shop's usually full of people and there're long ⁸queues because everything's very ⁹cheap.
Clothes - Ubrania
Pocket money - Kieszonkowe
Basket - Koszyk
Changing rooms - Przebieralnie
Prices - Ceny
Expensive - Drogie
Sales - Wyprzedaże
Queues - Kolejki
Cheap - Tanie