8 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy
zdania. Dopasuj do każdej luki (1-3) literę,
którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A-D).
Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo.

It all started at Tom's party. I saw her in the
corner, chatting with another girl. Her name
was Miriam, as I soon found out 1……. But it was
Sara who caught my eye and stole my heart...
That evening we danced a few times and
talked a little. Before she left, I asked her out
for dinner, and ... she said "yes".? 2………I decided
for a high-class restaurant by the lake.
I booked a table and chose one of the special
menus for two.
The waiter brought some shrimps with garlic
for a starter and then, lamb chops with spinach
for the main course. It all looked and smelt really good. 3……
I asked her if there was anything
wrong with the food, but she always replied
politely, saying that everything was delicious.
For our second date, Sara chose the place.
We went to a salad bar, and that was when
Sara told me she was ... a vegan!

A. I knew I had to choose a great place for
our date.

B. To my surprise, Sara only ate the spinach.

C. They asked us to order the main course.

D. They both looked amazing in their evening