Now write a blography Of Federico García Lorca.
Use the notes to help you.
Federico García Lorca
Fuente Vaqueros, Granada
5th June 1898
Writer and poet
University of Granada, 1914
Wrote Romancero Gitano (1928)
Visited New York
Wrote Bodas de Sangre
near Granada, 19th August 1936
plissss dajcie mi to​

Odpowiedź :

Federico Garcia Lorca has been born 5th June 1898 in Fuente Vaqueros, Granada. Federico was a poet and a writer. In 1914, Garcia was studying in the University of Granada. He wrote Romancero Gitano in 1928, visited New York and wrote Bodas de Sabngre. He died at 18th August 1935 near Granada.