Proszę o szybką odpowiedź!
Chociaż jedno zadanie, daje 35pkt!

zad 1
1. would like to
2. always wake up
3. very important information
4. hasn't took
5. cup of tea
6. so many people
7. someone called you
8. will you join
9. is good in
10. How beautiful
zad 2
1. helped him
2. students come
3. don't have
4. are you using
5. will be interested
6. enjoys playing
7. Mark parents are
8. are more people
9. telled me
10. she will clean
11. is there a
12. you will do
13. are being built
14. weather will be
15. are you doing now
Proszę bardzo liczę , że pomogłam :)