Task 1. Complete the sentences by putting the object pronoun in brackets in the correct position.
1.I stopped smoking when I saw a film about it at school. It really put off. (me)
2.Whenever there is flu going round, I always seem to come down with. (it)
3.If I catch a cold in winter, it usually takes me ages to shake off. (it)
4.My father has always been very fit. It’s a pity I don’t take after. (him)
5.At the end of a day, the last thing I want to do is go running. I just don’t feel up to. (it)
Task 2. Complete the sentences by putting the object pronoun in brackets in the correct position.
1.I don’t need to do any exercise – my kids wear out. (me)
2.I like tennis. I think I’ll take up. (it)
3.Her time is fully taken up with. (it)
4.A wave of anger came over. (her)
5.Don’t try to make over. (me)

Odpowiedź :

Zadanie 1.

  1. I stopped smoking when I saw a film about it at school. It really put me off.
  2. Whenever there is flu going round, I always seem to come down with it.
  3. If I catch a cold in winter, it usually takes me ages to shake it off.
  4. My father has always been very fit. It’s a pity I don’t take after him.
  5. At the end of a day, the last thing I want to do is go running. I just don’t feel up to it.

Zadanie 2.

  1. I don’t need to do any exercise – my kids wear me out.
  2. I like tennis. I think I’ll take it up.
  3. Her time is fully taken up with it.
  4. A wave of anger came over her.
  5. Don’t try to make me over.

Aby wykonać zadanie potrzebna jest znajomość podanych poniżej czasowników frazowych tzw „phrasal verbs", czyli czasowników łączonych z przyimkiem lub przysłówkiem. Dzięki ich znajomości jesteśmy w stanie umiejscowić zaimek w odpowiednim miejscu w zdaniu.

  • put somebody off - zniechęcać kogoś
  • come down with something - zachorować na coś
  • shake something off - pozbywać się czegoś
  • take after somebody - być podobnym do kogoś
  • feel up to something - być w stanie coś zrobić
  • wear somebody out - wyczerpać kogoś
  • take something up - podejmować się czegoś
  • take up with something - zajmować się czymś
  • come over somebody - ogarniać kogoś (uczucie)
  • make somebody over - nakłaniać kogoś