Odpowiedź :
Witaj :)
Zadanie 1
a) gdy mówimy o czynnościach oraz zdarzeniach, które rozpoczęły się w przeszłości i trwają do tej pory, gdy nie wiemy lub nie jest istotne, kiedy dokładnie się wydarzyły - skupiamy się na efekcie zakończonej czynności.
b) gdy mówimy o doświadczeniach życiowych (np. I have never been to London)
Zadanie 2
- just - właśnie (np. I've just learned something new)
- recently/lately - ostatnio (np. I've recently received an invitation)
- already - już, dotychczas (np. I've already watched this film)
- yet - jeszcze (np. I haven't cleaned my room yet)
- still - nadal (np. I still haven't received my invitation)
- before (now) - przed chwilą/tym momentem
- so far - dotychczas
- it's the first time - to pierwszy raz
- ever - kiedykolwiek
- never - nigdy
Zadanie 3
for - używamy tam, gdzie podany jest przedział czasu.
since - używamy tam, gdzie jest moment rozpoczęcia czynności lub konkretna data.
Zadanie 4
1. I haven't been to Italy since July 2005.
2. She has lived in Paris since January.
3. Jim has studied for three hours. Now he is tired.
4. My friend has been ill for a long time.
5. It has been raining for more than four days.
6. I haven't seen him since Easter.
7. He hasn't had a holiday since last summer.
8. He hasn't done any work for a month.
9. We have had this car since 1998.
10. We have been here for two hours.
11. She hasn't written since Christmas.
Zadanie 5
- Liz has just bought a new bike.
- Liz hasn't just bought a new bike.
- Has Liz just bought a new bike?
- I have already done my homework.
- I haven't already done my homework.
- Have I already done my homework?
- Bill has already been to New York three times this year.
- Bill hasn't already been to New York three times this year.
- Has Bill already been to New York three times this year?