
Rewrite statements a-e using the passive form of the word in italics and beginning with the prompts given.

a. There's a rumour that the government is going to resign. (rumour)
It .......... .
b. Financial experts predict interest rates are about to rise. (predict)
Interest rates .......... .
c. Everyone assumed the missing gangland leader had been murdered. (assumed)
The missing .......... .
d. They think the plane crash was due to human error. (think)
It .......... .
e. People believe terrorists are hiding out in the north of the country. (believe)
Terrorist .......... .

Wyrazy (nie)zaznaczone kursywą podano w nawiasach.

[Wakacyjna lista wyzwań (2021) ; 33]

Odpowiedź :

It is rumoured that the government is going to resign.

Intrests rates are predicted to rise.

The missing gangland leader is assumed to have been murdered.

It is thought that the plane crash was due to human error.

Terrorists are believed to be hiding out in the north of the country.