podczas koncertu poznales dziewczyne swoich marzen. Chwile rozmawialiscie jednak nie zapamietales jej imienia. Napisz ogłoszenie w ktorym:
-opisz jej wyglad
-napisz w co byla ubrana
-przedstawisz swoje odczucia wzgledem tej osoby

Im looking for a girl.
Yesterday i met the attractive girl on the concert of Japczan. This girl looks like ariana grande. She is very tall and slim. She has get freckles and her face is very pale/ Her hair is curly and she has got...


Odpowiedź :

Her hair is brown and curly, she has got slender nose and shiny, blue eyes. She also has got braces on her teeth and

ears similar to Ariana Grande ears.

Attention! Attention!

My name is … At yesterday's concert I met the girl of my dreams. She's tall, with curly brown hair and freckles. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She was wearing a blue dress and had shell-shaped earrings.  

We talked all evening. We clicked right away. She is so funny and smart. We have so much in common. We like the same bands and the same directors. Unfortunately, I forgot her name and didn't ask for her phone number. If you know her, please give me a call. My phone number ...

Girl with a shell-shaped earrings, if you're reading this, please contact me!!! I can't stop thinking about you!