Napisz 12 zdań co widzisz przez okno. Po angielsku

Odpowiedź :

1. My dog is chasing my neighbour's cat, around the garden. 2. Some flowers are red, some are pink. 3. The clouds are grey, I think it's going to rain. 4. My mum is walking across the garden to get the laundry. 5. My neighbour's daughters are running back inside, they don't want to get wet. 6. The cat follows the girls inside, he hates rain. 7. There are puddles in the garden. 8. The rainbow is very colourful. 9. The rain stopped, the sky is blue again. 10. There are a dozen apples growing on the tree. 11. The swing is wet becuase it was raining. 12. My dog drinks from the puddle. 13. My neighbour's cat is walking on the fence, he stares suspiciously at my dog. 14. My neighbour's daughters play with dolls on the bench in their garden. 15. The sun is so bright, it's irritating my eyes.