proszę pomocy w tym zadaniu​

Proszę Pomocy W Tym Zadaniu class=

Odpowiedź :


1. Faster, The fastest

2.more, most expensive

3. leaves, stay

4. will help

5.will be

6. am Exploring

7. He, her, she, him

8. they, him, he, them

9. I, you, you, me

10. Would love to

11. would like to


mam nadzieję że pomogłam <3

1. Faster, the fastest

2. More, most expensive

3. Leaves, are staying

4. Will help

5. Will be

6. Am exploring

7. He, her, she, him

8. They, him, he, them

9. I, you, you, me

10. Would love to

11. Would like to

Mam nadzieje ze pomoglam :D