Czy ty lubisz sok pomarańczowy? - Do you like orange juice? - Yes, I like orange juice.
Ania i Zosia chodzą do kina bardzo często. - Ania and Zosia go to the cinema very often. - Do Ania and Zosia go to the cinema very often?
Tata myje samochód w tym momencie. - Dad is washing the car now. - Is dad washing the car at this moment?
Czy ona często chodzi z psem na spacer? - Does she often go for a walk with dog? - No, she doesn't often walk with dog.
Jutro idziemy do kina. - Tomorrow we're going to the cinema. - Are you going to the cinema tomorrow?
Moi kuzyni nigdy nie czytają książek. - My cousins never read books. - Do your cousins read books?