Odpowiedź :
- My nationality...
- Her name...
- Their English...
- yours nationalities...
- Her name...
- Our nationality...
- Its capital..
- your address
- December
- third
- Thursday
- winter
- Tuesday
- thirty
- summer
- January
- first
jeżeli cos jest zle prosze o odpowiedź.
Zadanie 6
1. I'm from Poland. My nationality is Polish.
2. She's Anna. Her name is Anna.
3. Jan and filip are classmates. Their English lesson is on Tuesday.
4. Hello, Ron and Lena. What are your nationalities?
5. He's my brother. His name is Alan.
6. we're from Spain. Our nationality is Spanish
7. Italy is in Europe. Its (?) capital is Rome. Where do you live, Szymon?
8. What's Your address?
Zadanie 2
1. December
2. Third
3. Thursday
4. Winter
5. Tuesday
6. Thirty
7. Summer
8. January
9. first
Masz tu tabelę
Liczba pojedyncza:
- Ja - My, mine
- Ty - Your, yours
- On - His
- Ona - hers
- Ono - its
Liczba mnoga:
- My - Our, ours
- Wy - Your, yours
- One/One - They, theirs
mam nadzieję że pomogłam! Liczę na dobrą ocenkę ≧◡≦
Jeżeli coś jest źle, proszę dajcie znać (ミ ̄ー ̄ミ)